can i maik wun?
cause i r t3h <3ing t3h pengwinz.
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can i maik wun?
cause i r t3h <3ing t3h pengwinz.
I'll tell you something..... just made america look really stupid.
As an American, I can tell you that most americans ARE stupid.
We elected a president who doesn't believe in evolution. And despite being the wealthiest nation in the world... we rank 43rd in education... behind Cuba.
that was fucking awe inspiring!
I am speechless.
If you're speechless, how can you write stuff? LOLPWN.
but if this world has no war, then how come it needs police for crimes?
thanks, war isn`t logical, their is nothing to gain, so when they download a persons personality it blocks out crime and war mongering. but sometimes their are malfunctions and criminal behavier happens.thats why they need police, just in case.
very good but....
... i spoted a mistake. when the soldiers are standing, and they have the number "2" on the back of their helmets, but one has obviously been fliped round because it was a backwards "2".
god damn you are right!!!! wow thanks a lot! add me on msn! i;ve got an position for ya!
i liked the clock on the preloader
how did you do that clock on the preloader?
Well i drawn it !
If you mea
i liked your preloader, thats about it
i dont get the point in this
There is no point to any movie in the Un series. Thx I thought the preloader was pretty neat as well. I could have improved it all but I have a life of sorts. ;)
great, i loved it! i liked your animation skills. please, make more.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it
I'll make some more :)
Not a problem.
Age 35, Male
Free man
poofs r us
London Town
Joined on 2/7/03